How to display buttons when a particular target is detected and hide buttons when the target is lost?

0 votes
asked Nov 11, 2017 by kydze2018 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 12, 2017 by albert52 (31,850 points)


For example:

public class EasyImageTargetBehaviour : ImageTargetBehaviour
    protected override void Awake()
        TargetFound += OnTargetFound;
        TargetLost += OnTargetLost;
        TargetLoad += OnTargetLoad;
        TargetUnload += OnTargetUnload;

    void OnTargetFound(TargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour)
        Debug.Log("Found: " + Target.Id);

    void OnTargetLost(TargetAbstractBehaviour behaviour)
        Debug.Log("Lost: " + Target.Id);

    void OnTargetLoad(ImageTargetBaseBehaviour behaviour, ImageTrackerBaseBehaviour tracker, bool status)
        Debug.Log("Load target (" + status + "): " + Target.Id + " (" + Target.Name + ") " + " -> " + tracker);

    void OnTargetUnload(ImageTargetBaseBehaviour behaviour, ImageTrackerBaseBehaviour tracker, bool status)
        Debug.Log("Unload target (" + status + "): " + Target.Id + " (" + Target.Name + ") " + " -> " + tracker);
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