Is there a example about how to load a 3d model with Opengl in Android? Help

+1 vote
asked Sep 2, 2018 by valentinarambulo (280 points)
Please is there any tutorial or any example about how to load 3d models with opengl, please help

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Sep 3, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
commented Sep 3, 2018 by valentinarambulo (280 points)
there is no example to load .obj 3d models, do you know where I can find it? I dont know how to link it with easyar, please guide me.
0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2018 by artag123 (270 points)
I would recommend looking into Min3D and Rajawali, these are tried and tested frameworks for loading .obj files into android. Writing your own parser would be time consuming and I presume you would, like any other person, have limited experience with openGL rendering.
commented Sep 23, 2018 by valentinarambulo (280 points)
Hi, thanks, i tried with jpct but i cant link jpct with easyar, also i wrote a simple obj parser but i dont know how works with materials and lights and i have litle bit time for develop,

if you have some experience with rajawali can you share some code or guide me for link easyar with rajawali?

easyar render method give this variables:
Matrix44F projectionMatrix = camera.projectionGL(0.2f, 500.f)
Matrix44F cameraview = targetInstance.poseGL()

how can i use it with rajawali or jpct? thanks in advance
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