Does this sdk support smart glasses device with optical-see-through-mode?

0 votes
asked Jul 20, 2018 by tedyage (160 points)
I want to know whether this sdk support smart glasses, and if this sdk support all kinds of smart glasses or some specific ones, and whether this sdk support optical see through mode.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jul 20, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
selected Jul 26, 2018 by tedyage
Best answer
The EasyAR SDK supports some AR glasses (such as BT-300, etc.)
The EasyAR SDK supports optical perspective.
commented Jul 25, 2018 by tedyage (160 points)
I checked the document of the SDK 2.0.
In the chapter "platform request", it said that the only android cpu this sdk supports is armv7a, arm64-v8a. But the cpu of the glasses is belong to x86. So I am confused about that.
How did this sdk support the glasses? And I have try the sample named "HelloAR" on the glasses for several times, and it hasn't worked one time.
commented Jul 26, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
If you have a project need, a business colleague will contact you.
commented Apr 24, 2019 by electrostar (100 points)
Sadly i have the same problem as the original asker. I can not find any libs for Android x86. So how do you support the BT-300 which is an Android x86 device?
Using the samples with Unity 2018.4 on some ordinary android devices works fine but i was unable to bring it to life for the BT-300 (RealityPlane is always black (no camera)). Thanks in advance for any kind of help.
commented Apr 29, 2019 by kenn (18,750 points)
edited Apr 29, 2019 by kenn
You may want to read this for the x86 support,

The EasyAR SDK do work on BT-300, but you need to do some extra works for two-eye display. The official tuning for BT series is in the SDK 3.0, where we have re-written the Unity Plugin completely.
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