I am tring to get the image projection matrix on the HelloARCSharp example. This is the code that I wrote:
var frame = oFrame.Value.AddToAutoRelease(ar);
if (!frame.inputFrame().hasCameraParameters()) { return; }
var image = frame.inputFrame().image();
var width = image.width();
var height = image.height();
var cameraParameters = frame.inputFrame().cameraParameters();
float viewportAspectRatio = (float)width / (float)height;
Matrix44F imageProjection = cameraParameters.imageProjection(viewportAspectRatio, screenRotation, true, cameraHorizontalFlip);
I believe that I have to release an object because the use of memory increase linearly.
I tried to add to AutoRelease the image or cameraParameters but it doesn't work.
Can anyone help me, thank you.