EasyAR Sense 3D Model Render Sample

0 votes
asked Jul 14, 2020 by derzuomaia (1,190 points)
edited Jul 14, 2020 by derzuomaia
Is there any official sample of EasyAR Sense for Android Javan/Kotlin that renders a 3D model of any type (.obj, .fbx, etc) over a 2D marker/target?

It's a so basic feature and I do not found it on EasyAR for Android, is there any EasyAR method for this feature?

I found many questions about this thread, but no answer.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jul 15, 2020 by easyarts (1,320 points)
selected Jul 15, 2020 by derzuomaia
Best answer
Sorry, there are no official tutorials at this moment. At present, our sample is to draw squares with Opengl.
0 votes
answered Jul 15, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)

You would usually need a 3D engine to do that. There are lots of products which can render 3D models including system libraries on a few systems, open source libraries and commercial 3D engines like Unity3D which we have official support.

Integrating such engines (in the samples only) would do the job, but it will also make the samples a little bit huge while the current samples would show API usages in the simplest way.

We are considering some changes, and your opinions are appreciated.

Would a sample with an open sourced 3D engine or 3D library be helpful?

It will give you a reference of how to make EasyAR Sense work together with one of tons of 3D libraries in the world. But it is an impossible work to choose a 3D library for everyone's flavor. So you may still use a different 3D library when it comes to commercial decision, with no samples.

commented Jul 15, 2020 by derzuomaia (1,190 points)
Hi Ken, It would be helpful a Java/Kotling sample with a 3D engine to render 3D models.

I think this feature should also be integrated to the easyAR core features. Please notify me when this sample became available.
commented Jul 21, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
Maybe you can share us how would you use the sample if you don’t mind.
Would you only keep it as a reference of how to integrate 3D? Or would you use the 3D part of the sample directly in your products? A detailed description of the final product would be helpful.

When we talk about the core feature, let’s try not reinventing every wheels. An open system would help industry more than a self-enclosed one.
To help identifying a dedicated feature from a full 3D engine, let’s look a little bit further. In your final product, is showing a static model enough or you would need the model to move with a preset/runtime animation? What about lightings, shadows and particles, physics simulation, etc.? How would you like to create and edit scene graph which can have many models and perhaps runtime scripts? Would an existing 3D engine enough for your product or they are too heavy and how? Details would be helpful.

Sorry for asking so many questions but it really matters.
If anyone comes into this thread and want to share a thought, it is encouraged.
commented Jul 21, 2020 by derzuomaia (1,190 points)
Hi @Kenn,

On my AR Application, I do a hand interactions with a AR 3D model. The hand interactions I'm developing the algorithm.

The AR 3D model can be static but would be nice if it has same effects as light.

So I need to render a 3D model, and I also need to map a 2D coordinate from the video preview, to a 3D coordinate over the 3D model. Or know if some region of the 3D model intersects with a 2D coordinate of the video preview.

It can use an existing 3D engine, It will run on an Android device, but we can consider that a hight profile device will be used.
commented Jul 23, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
That sounds like a possible 3D heavy application.

There is a steep learning curve for 3D beginners and one way to flatten that curve is to choose a suitable tool, like Unity (this is not an AD, Unity is one of the 3D engines we are talking about).

Would Unity be suitable or there is some reason that you cannot use it?
commented Jul 23, 2020 by derzuomaia (1,190 points)
Hi @Kenn,

I will try to use Unity, I was avoiding it because I have no experience at Unity, but I think is the best choice.
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