When I turn off, and then on my camera target recognition doesn't work... how should I do this correctly?

+1 vote
asked Sep 12, 2019 by alex798 (160 points)
In my app, I need to switch to another camera, but if I turn off, and then on target recognition doesn't work... how should I do this correctly?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2020 by markup (240 points)

I have same problem. I made a "Start from Zero" App following this document;


At first running ImageTarget Recognition work well.  But once the window is closed, then run again but now doesn't work. After uninstalling the App and reinstall again, then run properly at first time only again. What's the reason?

Windows 10 / Unity 2019.4.8f1 / Android 10 / Pixel 4a


commented Oct 3, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
Couldn't see any possible reasons from the description. Do you observe the same thing using samples and do you see any errors from logs?
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