can EasyAR combined with ARCore?

0 votes
asked Jul 31, 2019 by asepsaepudin (170 points)
I have a problem with EasyAR slam, but the image tracking is good.

I need to make an android application that can switch between image tracking and slam.

Is it posible if I use image tracking on EasyAR so it can support almost all android devices.
and when I switch it to slam, this feature can only support if devices has ARCore.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)
Yes, if you use slam ,the device must have ARCore.
commented Oct 5, 2019 by 72pixels (300 points)
I'm not able to integrate ARCore with Easy AR
I added the ARCore package and Easy AR in one unity project.

i took 2 scenes
  1. Image Target(Easy AR)
  2. Hello AR(ARCORE)

I build apk for android
Image Target Scene is working fine, but ARCOre (Hello AR) not working,it means not showing anything. the camera is not opening
commented Apr 24, 2020 by leahzeng (110 points)
I'm having the same issue
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