Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:

0 votes
asked Jul 12, 2019 by sanyad (150 points)

Пользовался данной рекомендацией для избежания черного экрана: https://www.easyar.com/doc_sdk/en/FAQ.html

Создал файл EasyARAppController.mm  с: содержимым  https://g.zjdyit.cn/wd/MyFirstArTrial/blob/cb4256c6864fa717a8709b049dcbfcab84589061/Assets/Plugins/iOS/EasyARAppController.mm

В настройках Enable Bitcode установил No

При компиляции Xcode выдает ошибку:

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
 "_ezarUnitySetGraphicsDevice", referenced from:
      -[EasyARAppController shouldAttachRenderDelegate] in EasyARAppController.o
 "_ezarUnityRenderEvent", referenced from:
     -[EasyARAppController shouldAttachRenderDelegate] in EasyARAppController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

В чем может быть причина и как ее устранить?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
selected Jul 15, 2019 by sanyad
Best answer
That tip is outdated and applies only to Unity plugin for EasyAR 1.x and 2.x.

Do you experience a black screen on iOS? What's your iOS device and OS version?
commented Jul 13, 2019 by sanyad (150 points)
Да, хочу исправить черный экран.
Проект собирался на Unity 2019.1.9f1
Использовал плагин EasyARSense_3.0.0-final_ExternalCamera_Unity
Версия beta macOS 10.15
Xcode 10.2.1
Тестировал на iPhone 6s  v12.3.1
commented Jul 13, 2019 by zhangpengar (3,060 points)
USB camera is not supported on iOS. Our ExternalCamera samples are intended to be used for integration of custom implemented camera logic, such as remote camera via WiFi.
Have you tried EasyARSense_3.0.0-final_Basic_Unity.zip?
commented Jul 15, 2019 by sanyad (150 points)
Ваш совет помог запустить проект на MacOS, спасибо, но на устройстве IPhone не запускается камера.
Требуется ли настройка конфиденциальности камеры?

Your advice helped launch the project on MacOS, thank you, but the camera does not start on the IPhone device.
Is a camera privacy setting required?
commented Jul 16, 2019 by sanyad (150 points)
Решил проблему с камерой, проблема из-за настройки конфиденциальности в iOS 10 https://useyourloaf.com/blog/privacy-settings-in-ios-10/
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