the real reason make sdk-license key

0 votes
asked Mar 12, 2018 by supple (190 points)

last time i asked you about sdk license key, and i'm answered.


and i know,

when my app start, you check my app's license key from your server.

if the key is wrong, i can't use it unfortunelly..

(of course it dosen't work when my network is off)

in this case, you can control my app whenever you want. would it be right?

last time you said ,you will take responsbility about that...

but i can't trust your answer.

if my app is very famous,widely knwon through the world and get many benefit...

you can disable my app .. right? in this case ,what should i do???

in this reason,i think you would make sdk-license key and manage it. is it right?

i'd really like to know real reason you make sdk-license key.

please tell me as much detail as you can.

thank you.

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