Question about sdk license key

0 votes
asked Feb 27, 2018 by supple (190 points)
for the reference, i use EasyARSdk v1.3.1 free version

and my question will be limitted by EasyARSdk v1.3.1 free version(i don't care about any version.)

i have 3 question.


why you publish sdk license key , as i know ,your sdk already have a few of licenses (bsd,mit,apache,boost)

is there any purpose of it? if so could you tell me about that as much as detail.


am i not able to use your sdk ,if your company is closed or you don't want my app is published ?

in brief, is there any case if i can't use your sdk suddenly?


should i announce using your sdk on my app, when i publish my app on the app store or so on?

i guess that's about it, thank you (:

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 6, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
1. EasyAR generates a random key based on a bundleId.  a key --- a bundle ID -- an app

2.This will not happen. If it happens, we will take some responsibility.

3.You need to mention EasyAR in an interface in your app.
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