Unity editor for linux

+2 votes
asked Jan 30, 2018 by javuda (140 points)
Hi! I'm using Unity for linux (https://forum.unity.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/page-2) and when I try to run a project for android with EasyAR I get the following error:


DllNotFoundException: EasyARUnity
EasyAR.EngineNative.RegisterLogFunc (EasyAR.LogFunc func)
EasyAR.EngineNative.Initialize (System.String key, IntPtr classloader, IntPtr activity)
EasyAR.Engine.Initialize (System.String key, IntPtr classloader, IntPtr activity)
EasyAR.ARBuilder.InitializeEasyAR (System.String key) (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/ARBuilder.cs:56)
EasyAR.EasyARBehaviour.Initialize () (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/EasyARBehaviour.cs:46)
EasyAR.EasyARBehaviour.Awake () (at Assets/EasyAR/Scripts/EasyARBehaviour.cs:21)

If I run the project on Unity Editor for windows it works.

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