Unity - ImageTarget Storage

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asked Jan 18, 2018 by redamakarem (120 points)

This might be a silly question so I apologize in advance.

Current Approach (Working just fine):

I am using EasyAR SDK 2.1.0 for Unity. I have done several projects that focus on basic image recognition where I used the following approach when defining an Image Target:

  1. Create StreamingAssets folder
  2. Create targets.json file
  3. Copy target to StreamingAssets folder
  4. Define the targets in the targets.json file
  5. Set the Storage option to Assets
  6. Set the Path and Name option as per the User docs


  1. What steps should I follow if I want to have the storage option of my Image Target to be App (like what I mentioned in the Current Approach section)?
  2. What steps should I follow if I want to have the storage option of my Image Target to be Absolute (like what I mentioned in the Current Approach section)?

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