Can I fix at what second or frame user stop watch video and move on?

0 votes
asked Jan 29, 2019 by funtsdm (140 points)

I have ar application made with EasyAR.

I use images to triger showing video. I interested can I fix at what second(or frame) user stop watch it and go to the next video.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2019 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

I don't understand your needs very well. When you scan second image target it will play the relevant video.I hope that you can describe your needs in detail.

Thank you!
commented Feb 12, 2019 by funtsdm (140 points)
Our employer go to office of our client with our promo materials. Did he show everything we prepare for him? Did he show all videos or just some? At 25 and 45 second was key points that client need to see, did he saw it. We want to know. And for this purpose we want to know when at what frame video was brake. Is it in leImageTargetBehaviour? Today I'll try use it.
commented Feb 12, 2019 by funtsdm (140 points)
And this data will be loged in same report. With buttons pressed we have no problem but with video cane be trouble because if I will check every frame it cane influence on productivity of app. Maybe you have same issues and have solution.
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