If someone is using Image targets then try these steps
Create the image as grayscale and the greatest side of the image as 1920px. Use jpg over png. I have got the best results with images of size 400kb or less.
Along with this, I have overridden the Ontrackinglost function. Now whenever tracking is lost the script waits for 0.25f and after the delay all the renderers of the child objects are disabled. If the object is found again during the delay then OnTrackingFound function cancels all the invokes.
You can use this function in imagetargetbehaviour to reduce flickering of child objects
private float lastX;
private float lastRX;
private float lastY;
private float lastRY;
private float lastZ;
private float lastRZ;
// Fine-tune this values according to your own project
public float rotMin = 3f;
public float rotMax = 12f;
public float trasMin = 0.06f;
public float trasMax = 2;
public float lerpT = 0.2f;
protected override void Update()
float myrx = 0;
myrx = this.transform.localEulerAngles.x;
while (myrx >= 360)
myrx -= 360;
while (myrx <= -360)
myrx += 360;
while (myrx > 270 && 360 - myrx >= 0)
myrx = -(360 - myrx);
float myry = 0;
myry = this.transform.localEulerAngles.y;
while (myry >= 360)
myry -= 360;
while (myry <= -360)
myry += 360;
while (myry > 270 && 360 - myry >= 0)
myry = -(360 - myry);
float myrz = 0;
myrz = this.transform.localEulerAngles.z;
while (myrz >= 360)
myrz -= 360;
while (myrz <= -360)
myrz += 360;
while (myrz > 270 && 360 - myrz >= 0)
myrz = -(360 - myrz);
if (
(Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.x - lastX) > trasMin || Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.y - lastY) > trasMin || Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.z - lastZ) > trasMin) &&
(Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.x - lastX) < trasMax || Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.y - lastY) < trasMax || Mathf.Abs(this.transform.position.z - lastZ) < trasMax)) ||
(Mathf.Abs(myrx - lastRX) > rotMin && Mathf.Abs(myry - lastRY) > rotMin && Mathf.Abs(myrz - lastRZ) > rotMin) &&
(Mathf.Abs(myrx - lastRX) < rotMax || Mathf.Abs(myry - lastRY) < rotMax || Mathf.Abs(myrz - lastRZ) < rotMax)
lastX = Mathf.Lerp(lastX, this.transform.position.x, lerpT);
lastY = Mathf.Lerp(lastY, this.transform.position.y, lerpT);
lastZ = Mathf.Lerp(lastZ, this.transform.position.z, lerpT);
lastRX = Mathf.Lerp(lastRX, myrx, lerpT);
lastRY = Mathf.Lerp(lastRY, myry, lerpT);
lastRZ = Mathf.Lerp(lastRZ, myrz, lerpT);
this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(lastRX, lastRY, lastRZ);
this.transform.position = new Vector3(lastX, lastY, lastZ);
Hope this helps,