Image not recognize in android

+1 vote
asked Jan 4, 2019 by juani1 (1,010 points)
Hi, i'm building a simple app (imagetarget show some 3dmodel on recognize) when i test it on Unity using a webcam it works perfectly. But when i export to my android phone it stop recognizing the target image. App loads, I see the camera video, but i cant get it to recognize the target.

Phone MotoG6 with android 8

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2019 by juani1 (1,010 points)
Unity 2018.1.3 / tried with easyAR unity 2.2 and 2.3
0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2020 by arhysofia (140 points)
Esp: ¡Hola! He visto esta pregunta a estas alturas y me pasaba lo mismo. Lo que yo hice fue ocupar EasyAR 2.3. Además, me di cuenta que la cámara del celular a veces voltea la imagen y que mi "marcador" (En mi caso son códigos QR únicos) terminaba estando al revés, intenta volteándola para ver si la reconoce.

Eng: Hello! I saw this question by day now and I had the same problem. What I did was use EasyAR 2.3. Futhermore, i noticed that the camera video flipped the image and my marker (In my case was unique QR codes) ended up being backwards, try flipping it and seeing if it recognize the target.
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