Transparent Video in Example show only half of it.

+5 votes
asked Dec 1, 2017 by septiemjr (230 points)

I download EasyAR_SDK_2 from official website and run HelloARVideo project. The result show only helf of video.

original video

How to get 2 balls in AR area?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 1, 2017 by septiemjr (230 points)

Another example

commented Jan 4, 2018 by dedeexe (160 points)
I have a similar issue. I'm using the Video AR Example for iOS, but migrated to swift. My code show just a piece of video total area. Video Is not shrinking as in OBJ-C example. :|
Is There a hope for us?
commented Jan 4, 2018 by septiemjr (230 points)
Easy AR have 3 methods to display video. It have this issue only a transparent video. In general, a transparent video have 2 types. There are the alpha video and the green screen video.

Displaying transparent video method of easy ar assumes that we use alpha video. It cannot accept green screen video. In image, My source is green screen video. It's wrong.

If you can prepare source video in kind of alpha video. I think it possible to display properly
+1 vote
answered Feb 27, 2018 by sabakobaidze (180 points)
Hello, did you find solution to this?
commented Mar 21, 2018 by magnetica (290 points)
I have the same problem here..
I created a video with Alpha channel and using the type option "transparent side by side" I can see only half of my video, but it's not really half.
it seems that the right part of the video is overlapped to the left part.

using "transparent top and bottom" I can see the full video but the Alpha is inverted (??)

any idea?
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