Getting invalid date error in response when trying to add target using API

0 votes
asked Dec 12, 2018 by amitprasad (120 points)

Earlier the api was working fine. Suddenly its stop working today. when i am trying to add target using targetAdd api the response showing invalid date message with

statusCode = 3
Below is the response :
stdClass Object
    [result] => invalid date
    [statusCode] => 3
    [date] => 2018-12-12T05:50:31.270Z
    [timestamp] => 1544593831270

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2018 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)

Could you please  provide your account number?

Thank you!
0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2018 by zhnagjian (11,130 points)
Or you can send back a field  that has a timestamp for the server.
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