Invalid Key or Package Name - Android Build Unity 5.6.2

+1 vote
asked Jul 13, 2017 by hacaro (160 points)
Dear all, I've tried to build the app to test it on my Phone (samsung galaxy S6) but after I try to track the image target I receive a black screen with a message "Invalid Api Key or Package Name".

In the Unity 5.6.2 Editor all works fine, track the image and show the 3d. What Happens ? Have you an idea ?

I've checked a lot of time and AppName, Package Name and Key are right.  

please help me to solve this.

I've also another question regarding the EasyAR Basic.  With the Basic version, can i publish my app on Play store and App Store ?

Thanks in advance and best regards.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2017 by Dita (720 points)
For the question "I've also another question regarding the EasyAR Basic.  With the Basic version, can i publish my app on Play store and App Store ? "

Yes, EasyAR Basic is totally free, and you can publish your App on Play store and APP Store. Actually, there are many Apps using EasyAR published on Play store and APP Store.
0 votes
answered Jul 21, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
You have to make sure the bundle id of the app (you can set it in the Unity) and the bundle id for the key (at the website, you can find it in the app list) are same.
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