IOS - Camera feed is stuck and active objects on screen are moving with camera

+3 votes
asked Nov 9, 2018 by nikhilsinghpundir (270 points)
Hey guys, I am not asking a question because I have already fixed it. I am posting it here so that it can help anyone facing this issue.

Issue - Easy Ar was working perfectly on android but on IOS the camera feed was getting stuck and active objects were moving with the camera.

Fix: I had a small scroll view in left portion of my screen. The viewport was using a Mask with stencil material. This stencil material was causing the issue ( I have no clue why??). I replaced the mask with rect2d mask and deleted the mask, image, canvas renderer and stencil material.

Hope this help


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)

Thank you for your solution.
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