Expose more parameters for image tracking

0 votes
asked Oct 19, 2018 by tcmxx2 (340 points)
In my Unity project, I would like the image tracking to recognize images that are not exactly the same as the target image. It is ok to track a wrong image. That is, false positive is acceptable.

However, there are only few options to change the tracking quality. Is it possible to expose more low level api so that it is possible to modify the tracking?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 22, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
Q: Is it possible to expose more low level api so that it is possible to modify the tracking?

A: The algorithm involves more knowledge about CV, rather than simply changing a few parameters to meet your requirements. Of course, we are also trying to improve the stability of the tracking.
commented Oct 22, 2018 by tcmxx2 (340 points)
Thanks for replying! I understand that CV algorithms are complicated, but will the next new release have more low level api?
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