I'm struggling to run EasyAR app on my android with 64bit ARMv8-A architecture. In Unity 2017.3 I can build and export app with the following structure:
Project Root
+-- libs
| +-- EasyAR.jar
| +-- unity-classes.jar
+-- app
| +-- src
| | +-- main
| | | +-- jniLibs
| | | | +-- x86
| | | | | +-- libmain.so
| | | | | +-- libmono.so
| | | | | +-- libunity.so
| | | | |
| | | | +-- armeabi-v7a
| | | | | +-- libmain.so
| | | | | +-- libmono.so
| | | | | +-- libunity.so
| | | | | +-- libEasyAR.so
| | | | | +-- libEasyARUnity.so
+-- .....
OK, this works for arm64-v8a.
Then, in downloads I have unity-extra folder with EasyAR .so libs for 64bit apart from unitypackage. I create "arm64-v8a" folder in jniLibs, add unity-extra contains and - boom! - "Sorry, ur hardware does not support this app" in my face.
So, how do I make EasyAR app made with Unity work on 64bit android devices? My project is a part of a bigger project and currently I have to set
ndk {
abiFilters "armeabi", "armeabi-v7a", "x86", "mips"
for the entire project; and it needs 64bit support badly...
Oh, help me please! And thanks in advance!