You can process the json.
For example : https://www.easyar.com/doc/EasyAR%20CRS/api/farmer-create.html
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"statusCode": 0,
"result": {
"name": "easyar",
"size": "5",
"meta": "496fbbabc2b38ecs3460a...",
"type": "ImageTarget",
"date": "2016-06-15T09:56:30.000Z",
"date": "2016-06-15T09:09:19.954Z"
statusCode:0 is OK,1 is invalid appKey,2 is invalid signature,3 is invalid date
result:core result body
date:datetime of response at server.
targetId:Unique identity of the target
trackingImage:tracking image stored in server for AR tracking
name: Target Name
size:Width of target image ( cm )
meta:users’ custemized info uploaded: e.x. json text, base64 encoded, or url-encoded, etcd
active:”1” is active, “0” is inactive