Clickable objects

+3 votes
asked Sep 18, 2017 by goblin67 (230 points)

Hello, I reiterate my question because on the first go I forgot to specify some details.

Is it possible to attach tap events to videos and objects in the native iOS/Android SDK?

Thank you,


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 19, 2017 by albert52 (31,850 points)

Of course, it is very easy to achieve interaction in naive Andriod and iOS. You can leave your questions here if you have any problems in achieving this function. We will solve them.
commented Sep 19, 2017 by goblin67 (230 points)
Nice to know it can be possible and easy.
Can you please provide some sample code showing the best way to implement this feature?

Thank you.
0 votes
answered Oct 20, 2017 by tuvshuu (140 points)
Hello gooblin67,

Did you solve this issue on android?

I have same problem with you. I want to insert play/pause button on video player
commented Oct 20, 2017 by goblin67 (230 points)
Hello tuvshuu, no I haven't solved the problem.
They keep on saying it's easy, it's easy...  but they haven't shown a single line of code where this can be implemented even when requested.
Bad support, if you ask me.
commented Sep 3, 2018 by spuerto (120 points)
Hi gooblin67 and tuvshuu,

Were you guys able to solve your problems? I'm also looking for a solution.
commented Sep 3, 2018 by goblin67 (230 points)
Hi spuerto. No, not solved yet and no further words from the official support. I gave up and used another framework.

Hope you have better luck.

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