How to play videos when target is found through cloud recognition?

0 votes
asked Sep 20, 2018 by mumartoor (120 points)
I am developing an app with Unity3D. I want to play videos when cloud target found within the app. Secondly, when i am playing video on local target the video is much bigger and covers all of the screen. Is anyone know how to properly show video on target image?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 24, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)

None0Do not scale.
Fill1Fill the ImageTarget, video will be scaled to the same size of Imagetarget.
Fit2Fit the ImageTarget, video will be scaled to max that can fit into the Imagetarget.
FitWidth3Fit the ImageTarget width, video width will be set to the same value of Imagetarget width and the video ratio will be kept unchanged.
FitHeight4Fit the ImageTarget height, video height will be set to the same value of Imagetarget height and the video ratio will be kept unchanged.

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