Licensing with version 1.3

+1 vote
asked Jul 3, 2017 by manuati (170 points)
Greetings to all! I noticed with the release of the 2.0 version, that there's a Pro version that you need to buy to release an app using said version, but I have yet to see anything the like with the 1.3 version (which is the one I've been working with ). My question:

Can I release an app using the 1.3 version, without buying a license?

Thank you in advance!

3 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jul 7, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
selected Jul 7, 2017 by manuati
Best answer

Pro is introduced since 2.0. EasyAR SDK 1.x only have the Basic Edition.

EasyAR SDK 1.3 & EasyAR SDK 2.0 Basic are all free. You only need to buy a license if you need some features of EasyAR SDK 2.0 Pro.

0 votes
answered Jul 4, 2017 by joejoecube (140 points)

This explains the use of license usage on apps that are to be published.  I'm not sure about being able to release on a lower version, however, this information from the developers console mentions a version 3 as a minimum to license.  A lower version can be released, with or without restrictions, with regards to the usage of the app and for a certain time frame.  Thank you.  

commented Jul 5, 2017 by manuati (170 points)
Hi Joe, thanks for your answer, but I'm not sure if it's relevant to what I'm asking. I'm asking for the licensing of the EasyAR SDK 1.3 version, not the version of an application in general. I noticed that the 2.0 version of the EasyAR SDK has a pro version that gives you a license to use it in an app, while the 1.3 doesn't, and if that meant that I could use it openly in an app without purchasing it.
0 votes
answered Sep 14, 2017 by jerry-sdk (240 points)

EasyAR SDK 2.1.0 has a few new features and some stability improvements. Major highlights are,

commented Sep 14, 2017 by lzshenyun (100 points)
EasyAR SDK 2.1.0 has a few new features and some stability improvements. Major highlights are,

    New language support.

    EasyAR now support Swift on iOS and Kotlin on Android. We have also included new samples to show how to use Swift and Kotlin with EasyAR SDK.

    Android arm64 support.

    From EasyAR SDK 2.1, arm64-v8a binaries for Android are included in the SDK package.

    Bug fixes and stability improvements.

    We have fixed a few bugs introduced in EasyAR SDK 2.0, including jni local reference table overflow when calling ImageTarget.setupAll and video playback fail on iOS 11. We have also corrected camera image color output on screen which was a long existing bug.
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