Video playback on iOS 11

0 votes
asked Sep 4, 2017 by chrismash (160 points)
Running the video playback sample, built with XCode 8 (so iOS 10), on an iOS 11 device it fails to open the videos for some reason. If I open the video myself in the standard OS video player controller then it loads and plays fine but trying to open the video with the following fails:
easyar_VideoPlayer* player = [easyar_VideoPlayer create];

[player open:path_ storageType:easyar_StorageType_Assets callback: ...];

But building with XCode 9 Beta 6 and running on an iOS 11 device it crashes pretty much straight away with _platform_memmove at the top of the stack :(

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 5, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
It is a known issue which has been already fixed in 2.1. Will be released soon, before iOS 11.
0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
EasyAR SDK 2.1 released! Video playback in iOS 11 has been fixed in this version.
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