Unload markers iOS

0 votes
asked Jul 7, 2017 by dudisitchy (250 points)

Hi there, I am using easyAR 1.3.0 for iOS... is there a way to unload the markers and init the count by zero again?

When I use [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; and back to this screen again, the markers are loaded like example below:

First time

load target: 1 (1) success

load target: 2 (2) success

load target: 3 (3) success

load target: 4 (4) success

load target: 5 (5) success

load target: 6 (6) success

load target: 7 (7) success

Second time

EasyAR Version 1.3.0

load target: 1 (8) success

load target: 2 (9) success

load target: 3 (10) success

load target: 4 (11) success

load target: 5 (12) success

load target: 6 (13) success

load target: 7 (14) success

After that, the markers are loaded again and the recognition is called twice.

Can someone help me?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
You can unload the target by calling unload. And if you have destroyed the tracker, the targets will be unloaded automatically, too.

You can never reset the target id to 0, it is increasing across the SDK, unique through the whole life span.

If you need to identify target, you can use other field, like uid or name, and set unique values for them.
commented Jul 21, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
edited Jul 21, 2017 by kenn
mail sending test: working now!
commented Jul 21, 2017 by jerry-sdk (240 points)
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