How can I handle large Android apps - Splitting APKs (OBB)

–1 vote
asked Aug 24, 2017 by muhammadfahad (210 points)
Hello, i am using Easy AR and Unity for my app. My apk size 145mb, so i split it (apk + OBB) both are upload in play store all scene are working perfectly BUT image target not load 3d Models... Kindly Help

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2017 by albert52 (31,850 points)

Normally, if the package is not split, the target can be recognized successfully?
commented Aug 24, 2017 by muhammadfahad (210 points)
Yes app work  perfectly. We are going to launch, but due to size issue we are split it and face this issue
0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2017 by kenn (18,750 points)
You have to extract data to local storage, the load using EasyAR.

EasyAR can only work with raw images or objs in the current releases.
commented Apr 9, 2018 by alienkani (190 points)
I am facing the same problem in ma project, Is there any way to solve this issue.please tell me, I am wondering from last month. thanks
commented Dec 31, 2018 by tmartinez88 (270 points)
Yes but how. Thanks!
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