Extend tracking when target is lost

0 votes
asked Jul 30, 2018 by virtualnisvijet (180 points)
Hi there EasyAR,

i was wondering if is possible when target is recognized and augmented character is displayed to program how many seconds character will be visible when target is lost .. i think that would help with camera shaking  

i searched for extended tracking found only CHI tutorial and only for 1 image marker/object

hope some1 can point me how to extend tracking and keep objects visible coz when you get very close to a displayed character marker isn't fully visible and it starts shaking and not showing .. thx

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 6, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
Are you sure the effect you want to achieve is extension tracking? According to the link you sent, I don't think so. I think what you're trying to achieve is something like decarbonization, which means that when you take the image out of the camera, the model still shows up
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