Tracking overlapping ImageTargets

0 votes
asked Jul 25, 2018 by jhognon (120 points)


I'm trying to track 2 different ImageTargets, Target1 and Target2.
If Target1 and Target2 do not overlap on screen, they are both correctly tracked.

But if Target2 is placed in front of Target1 (Target2 being much smaller than Target1), only Target1 is tracked.
I tried with a single tracker and with one tracker per target, but the result was the same.
Here is a picture showing the setup :

So I was wondering if from the moment an image is detected on screen there is a tracking exclusion zone in this part of the screen.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
When you put a small imagetarget on top of a large one, the feature points of a large one are much smaller than those of a small one, and it may default to an imagetarget, according to the standards of a large one
commented Jul 26, 2018 by jhognon (120 points)
Ok, thanks for the clarification.
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