Is EasyAR compatible with Android O?

+1 vote
asked Aug 21, 2017 by bonsaisushi (380 points)
Is EasyAR compatible with Android O? Seems not to work on Android O, just a black screen on the phone

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 22, 2017 by bonsaisushi (380 points)
I tried on another phone and it doesn't work on that either, like it stopped working from one day to another with no modifications??
+1 vote
answered Sep 8, 2017 by kenn (18,870 points)
EasyAR IS compatible with Android O. We have finished test on Pixel with Android O today, everything is fine.
commented May 23, 2018 by phalgunp (280 points)
Wow. Please let me know which is the app. Because our app is crashing when we do this.
Like restart Easyar Camera, I access the StopSlam () script and then StartSLAM ()
then the application crashed, force close.
commented May 24, 2018 by kenn (18,870 points)
It looks like a different issue here. The original post and my answer is for the camera part and it was related to some camera permissions not popup for the user.
We had not tested the SLAM closing at that time and we have no excuse for that.
We have rewrite a lot of things after the 2.0 release. Later releases till now are all based on the old branch to keep binary and interface compatibly as much as possible. It's our mistake not to do more test on that branch.
Your issue has been fixed and our support will contact you through email. We may probably release a hotfix for this issue in a short time, before our new major version is out.
commented May 24, 2018 by phalgunp (280 points)
@kenn Thank you. Eagerly waiting for that mail with the fix.
+1 vote
answered Jan 30, 2018 by devmax (180 points)

i am having problems also with android Oreo 8.0 . i am using OnePlus.
when I add a script to restart Easyar Camera, I access the StopSlam () script and then StartSLAM ()
then the application crashed, force close. 

commented May 23, 2018 by phalgunp (280 points)
Same frustrating issue. Any solution?
commented Aug 1, 2018 by brewman (120 points)
Yesterday I updated my Galaxy S7 and now I also have the black screen issue without changing anything in the Unity project.
commented Aug 1, 2018 by brewman (120 points)
It only happens with Unity 2018.2, 2018.1 works fine!
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