Clicking a button?

0 votes
asked Jul 11, 2018 by ahmetkilinc (120 points)
Hello friends, I have a problem about clicking a button with 3DObject. So my question is:

I have multiple target images, 3D models and a static button. I would like to show something spesific to shown image when I click the button. How can I specify the image that camera sees? Thank you very much.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 11, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)
Not sure what you need. For example, if a picture is not in the camera field of vision, you click the button. Would you like this picture to display some special effects and automatically be in the camera field of vision? Or is there another need?
commented Jul 12, 2018 by ahmetkilinc (120 points)

Thank you for your answer I will try to explain more openly now: I have a lot of 3D objects defined in my app, <Multi-Target recognition> , I am trying to figure out how to know which Object camera sees when I click the button.

My goal is to have a website for my objects and informations about that objects. When I click the button it will go the objects information page which the camera sees at that moment.

I hope I could give you all the information :) Thank you.
commented Nov 29, 2018 by judhagsan (240 points)
Can you solve this?
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