How to set up an ImageTarget with my own asset

0 votes
asked Jun 28, 2018 by halafaireet (120 points)

I've tried to set up an initial image target as depicted in the following tutorial:

I have, based on the tutorial, tried to set up an image target of my own with the primary following steps:

1.  Created a Unity project, imported the EasyAR SDK into it, and added an EasyARStartup prefab with my license key attached.

2.  Created a Streaming Assets folder under the main Assets folder in the Unity project.

3.  Created a jpeg image names imgtarget.jpg, and placed it into the Streaming Assets folder.

4.  Created an Imagetarget Prefab in my scene, and added "imgtarget.jpg" to the path field.  Added "imgtarget" to the name field.

Based on my understanding of the tutorial, these steps should result in a usable image target with my custom image visible in the Unity editor.  So far, the ImageTarget prefab remains completely transparent.  Could someone please help me figure out why?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2018 by albert52 (31,850 points)

Is the script bound to the ImageTarget component modified?

The name of your new Asset folder must be called StreamingAssets

commented Jul 2, 2018 by halafaireet (120 points)
First of all, thank you for the reply!

I have renamed the folder storing the image target to StreamingAssets.  So far, that in and of itself has made no difference:  I still can't see my image target image in the scene.

Regarding the ImageTarget script, initially I did not have any modifications to the base script.  The tutorial I referenced in my original impression gave me the impression that I would not need to do modifications just to get an initial target load.  I have since modified my script to match the screenshot given by Albert52 above.  Unity is currently flagging the Awake method as not having a suitable method to override.  Is there a particular namespace I should be referencing in the script?

Thanks in advance for the answers!
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