use image as reference point in word space

0 votes
asked Nov 30, 2024 by ikaro88 (340 points)
In unity, I need to create a scene to use an image as a reference point to trach that position in 3d real space (and keep that place)
I am using an old project, that is using version 4.x from 2020.
I am using the MotionTracking_ImageTarget as a reference but seems like the image is not placed in the real world but in a position in between the real world and the camera.

There is a way to let it work?
I cannot proceed with the project and buy the full license otherwise.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 29 by pebitech00 (220 points)

In Unity, to place an image at a specific real-world position using MotionTracking_ImageTarget, ensure that the image target's position is set correctly in the 3D world space, not relative to the camera. You may need to adjust the anchor or reference frame used by the image target to match the correct position in the world, ensuring it's not floating between the real world and camera. Make sure that the image target's parent object is properly set to avoid unwanted offsets.

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0 votes
answered Mar 4 by babbitt (180 points)

For deeper repairs, use a soldering iron to “melt” the edges together with low temperatures (provided you are experienced with TPE). Please remember to put it back in the case for good sex doll storage case after the repair.

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