Initialization Falled: EasyAR Sense (Android-arm64) License Key is empty

+1 vote
asked Nov 21, 2024 by aifriend (130 points)

If you try to build in Unity, it succeeds about 1 out of 5 times. There is no problem when testing with a successful apk, but if you register it with the Play Store, download it and run it, an error message is output as follows.

Initialization Falled: EasyAR Sense (Android-arm64) License Key is empty
Get from EasyAR Develop Center ( -> SDK Authorization

It was reviewed in various aspects in relation to the problem, but no specific cause was found.

Of course, the recently issued license key is registered normally. By the way, I don't know why APP displays an error that the value is empty.

The camera is a black screen.

Please give me an answer.

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