Spatial Map Only Works on Some Devices

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asked Oct 22, 2024 by exarstudios (140 points)
I'm having a issue with Spatial Map randomly not working on what seems like 50% of my users devices (Unity Sense Plugin). In all of our testing using iPhone 12 Pro, Samsung s20, Samsung s21, iPhone 15 Pro we had absolutely 0 issues. We would make a scan with any of the forementioned devices and any of the devices would instantly load the scan to. It was amazing.

But now we've launched with these scans and i'm getting tons of reports that certain devices just cant seem to localize the Spatial map scan no matter how hard they try, while others work perfect. And the devices dont really make sense, a iPhone 13 and 14 arnt localizing the scans, but a 15 and 12 are having no issues.

Is anyone else having this issue or know any solutions? We dont exactly have every make and model of a device to test with and I dont see any mention in docs about certain cameras or devices not being supported.

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