3D Object Not working with Object Tracking on Android & iOS

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asked Jun 19, 2023 by paulen (140 points)

currently I can use the Object Tracking inside the Unity Player with my 3D Object. (https://ibb.co/gT9g66z) .

However I can not use it when building on Android and iOS. It doesnt load the target.

It works fine with the hexagon on Android, but not with my 3D Object. I have read the documentation (https://help.easyar.com/EasyAR%20Sense/v4_6/Guides/EasyAR-3D-Object-Tracking.html) and compared my 3D Object to the hexagon and can not make out any difference in the structure and it works fine in the unity player.

How can I make this work on Android?

Thanks and best regards,


1 Answer

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