Hi, hope you can help...
We're trying to get a frame from the device camera every so often (10th of a second of so), and we have some code in place but it seems to always be returning a value of 0 for all bytes - we're obviously missing something!
Here's our Start method code for the Object attached to the EasyAR GameObject:
IEnumerator Start()
QRreader = new BarcodeReader();
CameraDeviceFrameSource easyarSource = EasyARCameraObject.GetComponentInChildren<CameraDeviceFrameSource>();
if (easyarSource != null)
yield return new WaitUntil(() => easyarSource.IsAvailable.Value);
yield return new WaitWhile(() => easyarSource.Device == null);
deviceCam = easyarSource.Device;
sourceWidth = deviceCam.cameraParameters().size().data[0];
sourceHeight = deviceCam.cameraParameters().size().data[1];
Debug.Log("QR Device Camera Frame Size: " + sourceWidth + " x " + sourceHeight);
easyARFrameBytes = new Color32[sourceWidth * sourceHeight];
EasyARBuffer = Buffer.create(sourceWidth * sourceHeight * bytesPerPixel);
rawbytes = new byte[sourceWidth * sourceHeight * bytesPerPixel];
currentFrame = new Color32[sourceWidth * sourceHeight];
image = new Image(EasyARBuffer, PixelFormat.RGBA8888, sourceWidth, sourceHeight);
previewTexture = new Texture2D(sourceWidth,sourceHeight);
readyToScan = true;
Debug.Log("QR Scanning Started...");
else ShapUtils.traceError("No CameraDeviceFrameSource found on easyAR Object!");
The code that runs every 100ms or so is this:
void checkEasyARFrame()
var cameraParams = deviceCam.cameraParameters();
InputFrame newframe = InputFrame.createWithImageAndCameraParameters(image, cameraParams);
for (int p = 0; p < (sourceWidth * sourceHeight); p++)
for (int b = 0; b < 4; b++)
currentFrame[p][b] = rawbytes[(p * 4) + b];
outputWindow.texture = previewTexture;
processThread = new Thread(ProcessFrame);
What are we doing wrong?! We've tried different PixelFormats and conversions from NV21 and Grayscale, but I think the issue is that we're not getting any actual data back in the image...