Does EasyAR support hololens?

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asked Mar 22, 2022 by jayaram (120 points)

1 Answer

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answered Mar 29, 2022 by kenn (18,750 points)
Not yet. Would you mind telling us your usages? What you want to make and what you need from EasyAR on Hololens?
commented Jul 6, 2023 by tomaszwozniak (140 points)
Has something changed about Hololens support in Unity with EasyAR?

We are planning to create with Unity an application using Hololens (or any other device) that would allow finding specific places (items) on warehouse shelves. We would like to make an app that allows users to move around a large warehouse, and be guided to specific places, without losing orientation (the warehouse is very large).
commented Jul 8, 2023 by kenn (18,750 points)
Nothing changed. Same with Hololens, right?

We've made it possible on Qiyu Mix and Pico 4E.

We made a demo for WAIC 2023. Videos can be found on some media like this,

And a previous demo like this,

Algorithms and platform support are ready for much much larger places than these two recent showcases. You would need EasyAR Mega for this.
commented Jul 8, 2023 by kenn (18,750 points)
BTW, there are a bunch of Xreal (Nreal) and Rokid devices supported if you prefer OST over VST. There will be more device support in future.

Hololens is unique in many aspects. But it may also be outdated in the flood of evolution. (Personal perspective.)
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