UP! Restrict tracked camera area

0 votes
asked Jan 19, 2022 by magicpicture (190 points)
Does anyone have a solution for this after 2 years?


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 20, 2022 by kenn (18,870 points)
What is your purpose of this feature request? Where and how would you like to use it?
commented Jan 25, 2022 by magicpicture (190 points)
I have 3 markers, not big
If I point the camera at them one by one, then when I point the camera at marker 2, I still have marker 1 active. (for example https://prnt.sc/26j37ei)  Although I don’t see it on the phone screen, the camera does not lose it.
Since I have a sound on each marker, it starts to sound very strange if I do recognition of 2 or more markers at the same time.

If there is a function that will only recognize the marker closest to the center, please let me know. In this case, I will not need to crop the camera's field of view
commented Jan 26, 2022 by kenn (18,870 points)
The SDK does not provide such feature at present. But you can manually "lost" the target by unloading it from the tracker.

And what is the real world scenario? Is it possible to move the markers a little farther from each other?
commented Jan 26, 2022 by magicpicture (190 points)
but in that case, I can't re-catch it if it's not in the tracker

unfortunately not, this is a photo album, in it, the photos are very close to each other
commented Jan 27, 2022 by magicpicture (190 points)
Are there any other options on how to do this?

Perhaps I can somehow get a list of all the markers that the camera currently sees and only allow the one that is closest to the camera to be played?
commented Jan 28, 2022 by kenn (18,870 points)
Good idea. Try set simultaneous number > 1, it will track all images in the camera view at the same time.
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