how do you publish the app in the app store

+1 vote
asked Oct 24, 2021 by moyakate (130 points)
Once I've set up my markers and animations, I build for Android. I can test on my phone. But what do I do next to get it published on the app store?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
You can follow Google's or Apple's advice, there is no difference between publish an AR app and some other apps.
0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2022 by digitalez (180 points)

Follow these tips - 

  1. Sign up for the Apple Developer Program.
  2. Prepare your app for submission.
  3. Create your App Store listing via App Store Connect.
  4. Make your App Store screenshots.
  5. Upload your app to App Store connect using Xcode.
  6. Submit your app for review.
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