Disable AR/Camera when UI showing

0 votes
asked Sep 7, 2021 by thedapperlab (260 points)

I'm trying to disable the AR/Camera view whilst I have (fullscreen) UI elements in front of it in the scene (and then re-anable it when they are dismissed) - is there a simple way to do this?

Also, is it possible to disable the purple dot that currently shows when it starts tracking an image target without a model loaded?

Many thanks for any and all help!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
Well, it is quite simple, try the buttons in the camera sample.

What is a purple dot?
commented Sep 8, 2021 by thedapperlab (260 points)
Thanks Kenn - yes, it was very simple in the end, thanks for the pointer!

The purple dots turned out to be a test sphere (missing it's material not tracked in Git-LFS) that one of our developers put in as a test and forgot to take out!
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