Black Screen with Xiaomi Mi 11

0 votes
asked Sep 1, 2021 by alinap98 (140 points)
Hello, recently I have a black screen with my Xiaomi Mi 11. I don't have the problem with the Huawei Mate 9 Pro.
The Android Version of the Xiaomi phone is 11 and the Unity Version I use is 2020.3.11f1. I use the EasyAR Sense SDK 4.3.0.

Does anybody has a solution for me?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 3, 2021 by easyarguxin (960 points)
motiontracking or imageTracking?or something else?
commented Sep 3, 2021 by alinap98 (140 points)
I tested with the Sparse SpatialMap Sample. When I try to create a map, the screen is just black.
commented Sep 3, 2021 by easyarguxin (960 points)
VIO is running ARCore?
commented Sep 3, 2021 by alinap98 (140 points)

Device Model: Xiaomi M2011K2G
VIO Device (Type: ARCore, Tracking Status: -)
Sparse SpatialMap (Working Mode: Build, Localization Mode: UntilSuccess)
commented Sep 3, 2021 by easyarguxin (960 points)
1. Update ARcore in your phone to a newer version
If 1 does not solve the problem
2. Uninstall ARcore, SDK will automatically enable EasyAR motiontracking
commented Sep 3, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
Could you help to verify more on the phone?

1) Does ARCore demos (anyone in play store) run on the same device?

2) Does ARFoundation samples ( run on the same device? And if it does, what about each profile in the "CPU Images" sample?
commented Sep 3, 2021 by alinap98 (140 points)
Uninstalling Google Play Services for ARCore worked for me. After that the ARFoundation App (without EasyAR SDK) prompted me to install the services again, because it won't work without it. After installing it, I had the black screen with EasyAR again.
commented Sep 3, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
edited Sep 3, 2021 by kenn
Yes, I know. To make your application to run with EasyAR Motion tracking, you have two options, one is uninstalll ARCore, the other is change the DeviceStrategy settings to use motion tracking first.

The two tests above does not help with your version of SDK to work with ARCore, but if we know more about what other apps like, we can know if the ARCore itself won't work on your device, or just the ARCore wrapper inside EasyAR fail to work.

If ARCore do work on the device, the AR Foundation sample can tell us more details, which gives us some opportunity to know what happened and provide a fix in the ARCore wrapper in later versions.
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