EasyAR 3.1.0 Unity - Webcam black screen after switching to Unity 2021.1.18f1 (Pro)

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2021 by swagrid (130 points)
EasyAR 3.1 worked like a charm with Unity, but after updating Unity to Version 2021.1.18f1 (Professional) the webcam stays black. I also tried it with a blank project and imported your samples. There the webcam also only shows a black screen. How can I fix this?

I used a testscript (https://community.theta360.guide/t/simplest-webcam-test-in-unity/516/3) to check if the webcam is loaded properly and with the example code there, I can see my webcam video on the plane's texture. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix this problem for the EasyAR webcam texture.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
This is a Unity's compatibility issue among few we met. We have a Chinese version of how-to-fix right now: https://www.easyar.cn/view/questionDetails.html#163

We provide an official solution to this issue because it also involves very recent releases. Same thing will NOT happen in almost every other issues, including critical issues like unable to publish to store if there were any in future.

Version 3 is NOT supported anymore, make sure to use latest release whenever possible. We will always provide bug fix in new releases.
commented Aug 30, 2021 by swagrid (130 points)
Thank you so much. It's working fine now!
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