APP starts smooth, but gets slow and freezes after some time.

0 votes
asked Jul 23, 2021 by minotrix (330 points)
edited Jul 24, 2021 by minotrix
In my original project, the app started ok but gets really slow after 6-8 minutes of tracking. I throught that my scripts had some problems that would require more RAM memory/CPU usage or other things that would make the system gets slow. But then i built a simple AR app with one image target that shows a cube when tracked, nothing more than it. The app still gets slow within 6-8 minutes of tracking. Actually, i made some other tests:

- 5 minutes of constant image target recognition/tracking = App gets really really slow, almost freezes.

- 3 minutes of constant image target recognition/tracking = App doesn't gets slow

- 3 minutes of constant image target recognition/tracking + some other minutes just with the app open = App gets slow after 8-10 minutes

- 8 minutes just with the app open with the camera blocked by an object (showing black image) = App gets slow

- 20 minutes just with the app open with the camera pointing toward me aroud the pc (camera getting movements) = App doesnt get slow

I really have no idea what could be happening. Any help will be very appreciated.

1 Answer

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answered Jul 26, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
What is your device? If you are using low level devices, you could change the image tracking mode from quality to performance.
commented Jul 26, 2021 by minotrix (330 points)
edited Jul 26, 2021 by minotrix
I used 3 devices:

- Galaxy Tab A
- Motorola E5
- LG Power K10

Note: In the Galaxy Tab A, the "slow state" of the app comes later (about 10 min more) than the other devices, but still inevitable.

I already made that change from image quality to performance and the problem still occurs.
commented Jul 27, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
The observation is considered as normal on these devices. It is similar when you play a recent game on old or low level devices.
commented Aug 31, 2021 by easyarguxin (960 points)
for motiontracking:

1. Use the setTrackingMode interface to set the tracking mode to be VIO

2. Set the image resolution to Resolution_640 (640 x 480 resolution) using the setFrameResolutionType interface

This results in almost minimal performance consumption.
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