Does 4.2 iOS change affect Unity?

0 votes
asked Mar 15, 2021 by osaro212 (180 points)
In 4.2 release notes it says:
+ add an iOS version which removed Recording and VideoPlayer for privacy policy compliance requirement of some applications on Apple App Store

I'm using EasyAR 4.0 camera and videorecording in Unity, does this affect things in Unity?
If so can I still record and playback within EasyAR?
Is there a change in the code I should be aware of if I update to 4.2 for Unity?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2021 by kenn (18,870 points)
Basically no. It was an addition library for special use case.

You can find settings in the 4.3 Unity Plugin release which provide an option to choose from the two iOS libraries. You can find more details in the document.
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