I need to draw only contour of spatialmaps on dense or sparse mesh, I already use this on arfoundation like: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yaErjTKdNjo/maxresdefault.jpg
How can achieve this ? Because I need it to view the map created in topdown plan with another unity camera, already created with arfoundation but need too with EasyAR :-)
Last question how can I calculate the surface of the mesh created ?
like this on ARFoundation:
private void OnEnable()
arPlane.boundaryChanged += ArPlane_BoundaryChanged;
private void OnDisable()
arPlane.boundaryChanged -= ArPlane_BoundaryChanged;
private void ArPlane_BoundaryChanged(ARPlaneBoundaryChangedEventArgs obj)
float result = Mathf.Round(CalculatePlaneArea(arPlane) * 100f) / 100f;
areaText.text = result.ToString() + " m2";
private float CalculatePlaneArea(ARPlane plane) {
return plane.size.x * plane.size.y;