Is there a controller available for the video playe in Android SDK?

0 votes
asked Dec 1, 2020 by setuptech (120 points)
Hi, I'm using sense API to create an AR video playing experience for my users. I'm in need of a video player controller. But I couldn't seem to find one at the VideoPlayer class provided in the sample. Will it be possible to get playback controls in video player? If not, How can I replace the videoPlayer in the sample with Exoplayer? I'm a paid user and I need this urgent.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
What is controller? Do you mean the video pause/resume features ( ? Or do you need UI elements for that?

You can use another video player if desired. EasyAR provides matrix required to draw video frame in 3D, you can use anyway possible to draw video using those matrix.
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