External VIO camera?

0 votes
asked Nov 21, 2020 by magneticadev (140 points)

is it possible to use an external VIO camera like a Zed Mini from Stereolabs?

I tried to use the sparse spatialmap sample but it cannot detect it.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
Sure, this kind of usage is supported.

Use like a custom camera, and in each frame data update, create InputFrame with image, camera parameter, timestamp (important), camera transform (important), and tracking status (important).
commented Dec 6, 2020 by magneticadev (140 points)
I'm trying to use it under windows.
I got this message:
UIPopupException: easyar.CustomCameraSource not available under WindowsEditor
I need to use sparse map under windows environment.
commented Dec 7, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
easyar.CustomCameraSource is not a API. It is a sample.
Please try to understand what the sample is doing and do similar things in windows.
commented Dec 7, 2020 by magneticadev (140 points)
yes, I  know.. but I run the sample under windows and it throws this error.
EasyAR is available for mobile platforms and desktop as well, so I thought the "external camera sample" could work under windows using the webcam, but not.
commented Dec 7, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
Oh, sorry for the inconvenience. We did not write sample code for all platforms in this sample, it was mostly designed for users who are trying to access mobile camera APIs which we did not integrate.
But we can assure the APIs will work on all platforms, and we have done similar things.
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