EasyAR 4.0 Personal: No matched Bundle ID with Unity and Xcode

0 votes
asked Oct 24, 2020 by kaibonsen (120 points)
I get that the Bundle ID from iOS in my EasyAR Development Account must be the same as the Unity Bundle Identifier and therefore the Bundle Identifiers in the Xcode Project. Thats the case. Am I missing something? The same project is working with Android and set up Package Name.

Thanks a lot for any advice

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2020 by kenn (18,870 points)
If you changed the bundle id of the license key after created, the license key will be updated to a new one. The old one will still work for the unchanged part ONLY.

If you created key A with iOS: x, Android: yy, and in another day you change it to key B with iOS xx, Android unchanged, then key B will work in Android with yy and iOS with xx, but key A will only work in Android with yy and iOS with x, NOT in iOS with xx.
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